A recent Times of India report (citing an anonymous source) suggested that Shah Rukh Khan is keen to cast Priyanka Chopra in Happy New Year despite opposition from his family and friends. SRK and Farah Khan (director of Happy New Year) would have none of it and both of them took to Twitter to trash the TOI report as a "lie" and "fiction" of tabloids and as "made up crap" written by journalists.
SRK fired back and tweeted, "When a person's words & body language are in conflict they are usually lying. A lot like the headline words of tabloids & their body of content..." and "Most of the time ppl don't want to get to know you, instead they want to tell you, who they think you are. Let them maintain their fictions about you."
Farah Khan also reacted angrily and tweeted, "Every morning I get up and read some made up crap about HNY...when the 'journos' have decided who our leading lady will be kindly inform us too!"
Looks like the usually calm SRK had enough of what is written about him on a regular basis and finally decided to take the matter in his own hands by clearing the air about such reports directly on Twitter without third party/media spin. Farah Khan also appears to have had enough false media speculation about her next directorial venture and took to Twitter to set the matter straight.
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